Monday, February 27, 2012

So blessed am I the little me!

These two little beautiful boys that God put on earth for me are enough to last me forever...I would for there to come a time when I meet Mr. Right and live the happily ever after I want...but I know I have so much more than some and for that is enough

I mean he scaled the table and actually opened the girl scout cookies...The child is a Viking and I love every single moment even when I feel as if I want to ripe my hair out I know I'm blessed! For that I'm grateful!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Forever changed

We are two separate people living in the same house. We don't talk, we don't touch, we hardly communicate unless it pertains to the boys. We are in the process of trying to figure out living situations, but he and I alike are stubborn. He doesn't believe that I should stay in the house, and I of course believe the complete opposite. That is our house, my boys house and just because he doesn't want to play house doesn't mean the boys and I should have the call it quits. We love that house, and it's our home...The boys have a yellow playroom, and they feel safe and comfortable there. I do believe this will end badly and this will no longer be our home, I pray it all works out.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Lucky girl

Everyone goes through things...Everyone has events that make them who they are; with that being said look at this picture.
Even on my worst of days, and lets be completely honest...I've had a lot of bad days lately. I am one of the luckiest girls in the world! I have these two beautiful boys to wake up to and if that's not enough then I get to  have dance parties and go to the pool and the beach along side them.

So their dad doesn't love me, is that my fault? No, it's not I was a damn good wife, of course I had my flaws...doesn't everyone? But the man had a place to call home, a homemade meal to come home to after a long day at work and school, and clean clothes. I supported him in school, and helped him pursue his dreams for his future. Am I bitter or angry? Not one bit, I have them, and for N & E  I am eternally grateful.