Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Lucky girl

Everyone goes through things...Everyone has events that make them who they are; with that being said look at this picture.
Even on my worst of days, and lets be completely honest...I've had a lot of bad days lately. I am one of the luckiest girls in the world! I have these two beautiful boys to wake up to and if that's not enough then I get to  have dance parties and go to the pool and the beach along side them.

So their dad doesn't love me, is that my fault? No, it's not I was a damn good wife, of course I had my flaws...doesn't everyone? But the man had a place to call home, a homemade meal to come home to after a long day at work and school, and clean clothes. I supported him in school, and helped him pursue his dreams for his future. Am I bitter or angry? Not one bit, I have them, and for N & E  I am eternally grateful.

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