Monday, June 13, 2011

Something happened to me I never thought would

I never thought I would see the day when I would say these words..."My husband cheated on me."

In my head I thought I could always count on him for honesty, whatever it was. Good, bad, or ugly...P had always been honest with be, even at times too brutely honest. I thought if he wanted someone else he would tell me, our marriage would dissolve and we would go our seperate ways.

In reality it didn't happen that way. He had been acting a little strange, but I honestly attested it to the fact that his job was stressful and he was just really busy. His boss, often passed the work down to P and I figured it was just job stresses. He fell asleep early, his phone kept going off, innocently I opened it.

Right there in front of my face, my worst fears and nightmares became a reality. HE was a CHEATER, I wanted to cry, scream, and break something all at the same time.

In reality I just confronted him...he cried and said he was sorry. He said it only happened twice, and that it was a mistake, she made him feel special and there was nothing more to come of it. Questions were whirling in my head, was he sorry he did it or sorry I caught him.

My dad cheated on my mom, and I saw her heartbreak, I vowed to never let anyone to do that me. I learned a brutal lesson that night, she didn't let him to it to her any more than I let P do it...They are selfish and inconsiderate. We weren't in there thoughts when they did it.

I am left heart broken, and hurt. I still have to put a good face on for N & E...and figure out what to do with my life.

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